An exceptionally productive day with our guests from the UAE! All the guys are passionate anglers, well-prepared with their gear. Each of them had at least three setups for different fishing techniques, and during our preliminary meeting the day before heading out to sea, I immediately knew—it was going to be an exciting trip.
We often meet with our guests before the fishing trip to check their gear and lures, help with preparation, and explain the fishing techniques.
When we arrived at the spot, the fish turned on immediately—and it began! Everything was biting at once: tunas, snappers, and groupers attacked the lures almost instantly. For several hours, our guests were in a constant battle with different fish, achieving truly impressive results.
First, a huge White-blotched grouper was caught, followed by a Rusty Jobfish, and then a Blue-Yellow grouper—and that’s when we realized these fish were close to record-breaking sizes!
As official members of IGFA, we decided to register the sizes and weights of the trophies together with association representatives on Mahé. In the end, it turned out that during this trip, our guests set two world records for groupers and one national record for the weight of a Rusty Jobfish!
We are truly thrilled for the anglers and have already submitted all the necessary information to IGFA’s headquarters for official record confirmation.