Unforgettable Fishing Trip


Recently, we had the pleasure of working with two guests from the UAE and Qatar. They've been friends for many years, but this was their first fishing adventure together.

Since one of the guests is just beginning his fishing journey, we decided to organize various fishing techniques to maximize the variety of fish species caught. This approach offers the widest range of experiences, demonstrating just how diverse Seychelles fishing can be.

We managed to catch no less than ten different species of fish, but that's not all! No one could have imagined that this trip would set a world record, landing the incredibly rare Gold Banded Jobfish!

And there were two cherries on top! A stunning sailfish and a marlin weighing around 200 lbs crowned this fishing tour, making it truly unforgettable.

Mohamed Sultan M A Alnaimi (Qatar)
Potential AGFA World Record
Gold Banded Jobfish — 6.4 kg