First slam of the season!
Just 2 days ago, the weather forecast for October 1st promised to be perfect, but at sea, conditions can change drastically. The day before, realizing that the wind would reach 15 knots, we were forced to completely revise our fishing strategy.
Our guest, Slava, dreamed of catching a sailfish and started to get upset, realizing that today the sea looks like a washing machine. Captain Ibrahim inspired him before setting out and we once again accepted the challenge of nature.
An hour into our journey, we had a bite - a miss, then again, and this time successful! The first sailfish was on board, and within 10 minutes, the second one too. Soon we caught a pair of mahi-mahi and following that, a wahoo. We had an impressive Slam. The season opened splendidly: we held training sessions, caught tunas, including a trophy weighing over 50 kg, and today we had a real Slam.
Slava’s dream came true: he caught not only the biggest fish of his life but also realized his dream by catching 2 beautiful sailfish.